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the secret to lean legs

Wish your legs were thinner?

Women everywhere complain about the size of their thighs. Fat and cellulite have a way of ending up there – especially in the upper, inner thigh area.

I’m often asked how to quickly and easily reduce fat in this unwanted thigh region, so today’s article is all about reducing your thighs.

First, I need to remind you that it’s not possible to spot reduce fat from one single part of your body, so my 3 steps to reduce your thighs will work by reducing your body fat percentage as a whole. It sure would be great if we could point a magic wand and make fat shrink from one particular spot, but that’s just not how the human body it built.

The great news is that your entire body will become leaner and sexier in addition to your thighs shrinking!

Here are my 3 steps to Reduce Your Thighs…

Reduce Thighs Step #1: Ban Liquid Calories

Liquid calories are a major problem for many, resulting in countless unwanted pounds and inches around their thighs. These calories are easy to overlook, since you’re just drinking and not actually eating anything, but don’t doubt for a second that they are adding up quickly.

The best strategy to take, when your goal is to reduce your thighs, is to cut out liquid calories completely. This is an easy way to instantly cut hundreds of calories per day without feeling deprived. Simply replace those high calorie beverages with water or unsweetened coffee or tea.

I’m sure you are aware of which beverages in your diet contain calories, but I’ll remind you with this list anyways: sweetened coffee drinks, blended coffee drinks, smoothies, sodas, energy drinks, alcoholic drinks…

Stick with water and unsweetened coffee and tea and watch how quickly you drop in size.

Reduce Thighs Step #2: Focus on Protein and Fiber

Want to know what lean, fit people all have in common? They focus all of their meals and snacks around protein and fiber and avoid sugar and simple carbs. It’s really that simple.

Now when you look at your current diet, which is likely filled with high carb and high sugar items, then making the switch to a diet focused around protein and fiber may seem hard to do. The truth is that any change is difficult, but once you make it you’ll quickly adjust and will begin a whole new, leaner lifestyle.

Cut out the packaged, high carb and high sugar items from your diet. Plan each meal around vegetables and lean proteins. This simple nutritional shift will make all of the difference in quickly dropping your body fat.

Reduce Thighs Step #3: Exercise Smart

There’s exercise, and then there’s smart exercise.

Exercise is good and will get you to burn some calories and even build some muscle. It will raise your metabolism and improve your cardiovascular health. It will even reduce your thighs. All very good things.

Smart exercise will get you more of these benefits in less time.

So what makes exercise smart?

By doing a progression of movements with increasing intensity. By changing your workout often, to keep your body guessing. By varying your speed and range of motion. By incorporating complex, full body movements. By stimulating different muscle groups in each session.

Creating smart workouts is what I do for my clients.

Since my clients are not a trained fitness professional with the knowledge and skills to create smart workouts each day, I do all of the work for them. They simply show up and reap all of the benefits possible from each workout session.

If you haven’t yet become one of my clients, today is the day! Let’s get you in here for a fat-blasting workout that will shrink your body in all the right places.

Call or email today and learn to exercise smart.


I found this motivating

So many people today are struggling to find motivation.

It’s tough to find the motivation needed to get out of bed and into workout clothes.

It’s even tougher to find the motivation to stick with a healthy eating plan.

The chaos of 2020 is taking its toll on our minds and bodies, but there’s a way out.

If you’re struggling to find motivation to get to exercise, allow these seven reasons to inspire you to get moving…

Exercise Because —Your Body Works

It may seem like an odd reason to work out, but the fact that you can work out ought to inspire you to do so. After all there are plenty of folks who have been affected by disease or congenital conditions that make working out impossible. If you are able to exercise, do it! Every movement you make, be grateful and work to learn your body’s limits. In essence when you do this you’re giving your body a high five!

Exercise Because —Disease Can’t Handle It

True, there are diseases that will attack you regardless of your fitness level. However, exercising regularly (starting today) is one of the best ways to build yourself up against all sorts of ailments and illnesses. From the common cold to coronavirus, exercise helps you avoid health issues and live a healthier, longer life.

Exercise Because —Your Family Loves You

Because you want to be around for years in the future, you need to exercise. As seen above, exercise is a great way to fend off all sorts of health issues, many of them life-threatening. So if you want to show love to family members who love you, you’ll need to work out regularly. Afraid your workouts will take away family time? Get up earlier or take your loved ones with you.

Exercise Because —You Beat Goals

Some people meet goals. When you commit to getting in the gym today, you set yourself up to beat goals. Because once you reach your new bench-press or weight-loss goal, you move on to the next. Do this in the gym enough and it will start to happen in the rest of your life. Deadline at work coming up soon? No problem. Wish you could read more books? Consider it done. Ready to quit smoking? You can do it. All because you worked out today.

Exercise Because —Life Will Be Easier

Ever struggled to get out of bed and get on with your day? Exercising today can help that. Wonder why you always feel stressed out? Once you get in the gym this afternoon you’ll be able to shed the stress. Wish you had the sex drive that you seemingly lost a few years ago? Today’s workout will get you on the right track there as well. See a heavy couch that needs lifting? After spending time in the gym today, that couch will be light as a feather tomorrow. In other words, exercise makes everything in life better, easier, and more bearable!

Exercise Because —Your Body Will Surprise You

When you started on your exercise journey, you wanted to change your body. But somewhere along the way you forgot about that swimsuit-ready body you desired so much early on. Well, guess what? It can still be yours! All you’ve got to do is get in the gym today and get back on the road to it. In six months, you’ll be amazed at how much better your body looks and how much more you enjoy being you.

Exercise Because —Your Friends Will Join You

It can be hard to keep working out in the gym every day if your loved ones aren’t into it. However, if you stick with it and trust your trainer, your loved ones may eventually want to join you in your exercise. Once they realize you’re seeing positive results, they won’t want to miss out. So by going to the gym today, you’re helping others be healthy!

Call or email today to get started on my very best exercise program – together we will get you to your goals once and for all! Don’t wait – act now!