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You’ve considered it for weeks, months, years even. And now is the time that you’ve decided to make a change and go on that diet. But don’t just dive in feet first. First, take a long, hard look at the diet you’re considering and answer five questions before proceeding.

Only then can you be sure your diet is not going to land you in the land of diet failure.

Question 1: Does it make you hungry all day every day?

When you’re on a diet, it’s normal to feel the occasional tinge of hunger. Much of those light hunger pangs, however, should be done away with by drinking a glass of water. And if you stay busy enough with life in general, you ought to be able to ignore some other hunger. But if your diet has you feeling hungry at all times, you’re not going to last long.

To avoid falling into the pit of hungry despair, go with a diet that lets you eat protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Also, as stated above, drink plenty of water to avoid confusing hunger with thirst.

Question 2: Does it force you to drop food groups?

A healthy diet is one that incorporates appropriate amounts of food from each food group. When a diet cuts an entire food group from your eating options, you’re going to have a hard time surviving your diet for longer than a week or two. One of the most popular food groups to cut is carbohydrates. While not eating carbs will indeed help you lose weight, carbs are what make it possible to store energy to make it through the day. No carbs, no energy, no willpower to maintain your diet.

Question 3: Is your mood suddenly unpredictable?

Everyone gets metabolic every once in a while, but if your diet is too restrictive, you may find your mood swings coming with greater regularity and severity. This happens because excessive caloric restrictions messes with the chemicals in your brain. When this occurs, there is no telling what direction your mood will go.

Before letting your diet ruin your relationships and put your job at risk, reconsider your diet and find one that helps you be cool, calm, and collect.

Question 4: Does it insist there is no need to exercise?

There are some diet plans that promise plenty of lost pounds without the addition of exercise.

If this is the type of diet you’re considering or are in the midst of, beware! Exercise comes with countless health benefits that will make your weight loss all the more beneficial. From preventing chronic pain to improving your energy level and sleeping better, exercise is a vital component to any diet.

Question 5: Do you still weigh the same?

It is true that the best way to lose weight is slowly—approximately one or two pounds per week. But take note that slowly doesn’t mean not at all.

In the event you’ve been on a diet for a few weeks without any results to speak of, then your diet is a flop. Drop it immediately and find something that will help you lose pounds. Otherwise, you’ll get discouraged with your diet and swap it for the old habits that got you where you are now.

Remember that a true body transformation comes only from a combination of diet and exercise. Call or email me today to get started on the only fitness program that you’ll ever need!


You eat the right foods, drink the right drinks, and exercise regularly. In other words, you’re strong and healthy. There is only one hole in your overall good health. You’re as flexible as a piece of plywood. But there’s good news! You don’t have to stay inflexible your entire life. With the right steps, you can improve your flexibility, which will make life that much better.

Ready to get started building a more flexible you? Here’s how.

Roll Before

For many years, it was common practice to stretch before working out. In recent years, folks have ditched that advice for something better: lightly performing whatever you plan to do. Going to run? Walk and then jog before getting into a run. For those who want to take their routines to the stretchy limit, it’s time to use a foam roller.

With a foam roller, you work to gently stretch your muscles before working them out, and better yet, you stretch them out safely. Essentially a massage for your muscles, foam rolling helps your muscles relax and stretch. This, in turn, allows your entire muscle to be worked out in the gym afterward and prevents an already tight muscle from growing tighter through your exercise routine. Once you knock out a little foam rolling, the time is right for a round of body-weight exercises or light activity before going full force.

Go All the Way

As you exercise, you can help your flexibility by working throughout your entire range of motion. Initially, you may have a harder time squatting your full range of motion, but sticking with it will allow your muscles to work all the way and will lead to them being more flexible.

To get to where you can squat or perform other exercises as deep as your body allows, you will probably want to reduce the amount of weight you use. As your body grows accustomed to going through a fuller range of motion, you can increase the weight and enjoy improved flexibility.

Stretch Afterwards

Your routine winds down, and your muscles feel tight and want to stay that way. Folks who are new to working out often enjoy the feeling. It lets them know their body has worked hard, and so they allow the tightness to remain as they leave the gym and return to their daily routines.

However, this is when your stretches become most important. By taking 10 minutes to slowly stretch, you can take a huge step toward your overall flexibility. A good post-workout stretch will focus on the areas worked during your routine, but will provide a little stretching for the entire body. You can also finish your stretching with more foam rolling if you have time, as this will help further your flexibility goals.

Take It Slow

When stretching for increased flexibility, you may be tempted to push it as far as you can. But don’t give in. Instead, you should relax and take the slow and easy-going path to flexibility. Going too far too fast will actually have the opposite result that you want, as your body will have to repair itself from small injuries that occur from stretching and won’t want to stretch further in the future. Instead, take your time and allow your body to ease into stretches.

Feel an uncomfortable burning sensation that actually hurts? That is not your body’s way of thanking you. Back off and stretch to the point of slight discomfort. Accept that you can’t increase your flexibility overnight, and you will make better headway than beating your muscles into flexible submission.

Call or email me today to get started on a challenging and consistent exercise plan to increase flexibility as well as reduce your body fat and increase your energy levels. Let’s do this!


If you’re ready to reduce your body fat, you can’t go about it haphazardly. You’ll have to drop the anything-goes attitude and adhere to seven rules that will make your fat-burning attempts a wild success.

What are those rules? You’re about to find out.

Rule #1: Water Rules

Ready to melt away the fat that’s been clinging to your front, back, and sides since you can remember? Then you’ll need to drink water. A lot of it. Every time you feel the urge to drink something, make it water. Not juice. Not milk. And definitely not beer. They add sugars and calories to your daily intake, which will do nothing but make it harder to get rid of your fat stores. Drinking water also helps you avoid eating when you’re not hungry, feel better, and doesn’t slow you down when it’s time to exercise.

Rule #2: Protein, Please

Burning fat requires you to eat differently. That means no more eating whatever you want whenever you want. One of the best things you can eat to get rid of fat is protein. Whether chicken, turkey, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, beef, or whey protein powder, protein at every meal gives you energy you can use for whatever tasks come your way.

Rule #3: Vary Your Variety

There are lots of exercises that help you burn fat. Actually, just about any routine you do will help. And that’s why you should do them all. Prefer high-intensity interval training (HIIT)? Fantastic! Just be sure to switch is up with resistance training, strength training, and stretching here and there. This will help your body work differently and therefore find new ways to get rid of unwanted fat.

Rule #4: Go Big

One of the most successful long-term plans to get rid of fat is to add muscle to your body. The best way to do this is by utilizing big, compound movements with free weights. That means plenty of bench press, squats, deadlifts, and military press. Of course, you may not be a weight-lifting aficionado. No problem. Call or email me to get started on an exercise program that’s just right for you.

Rule #5: Eat Less

On the path to less fat, one rule you can’t ignore is to simply eat less food. That’s right—calories matter. Think you can get away with eating all the healthy food you can find and still burn fat? Think again. Your body only needs a certain amount of calories to function. The rest sit around and have the potential to stick around for the long haul—even if they come from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Rule #6: Go to Bed

It seems no matter how many studies come out showing the direct connection between sleep and fat loss, people still ignore their body’s signals to get more sleep. Don’t be one of them. Get to sleep at a decent hour that allows you to get about eight hours every night. You’ll feel better in the morning, avoid midnight snack temptations, and burn more fat during your waking hours.

Rule #7: Relax Once

This is less a rule than a suggestion, but it’s a good idea to give yourself a break now and then. Otherwise, you may find yourself unable to maintain your fat-burning ways for the long-term. Once a week, for exactly one meal, allow yourself to enjoy whatever food you’ve been craving. It could be a greasy hamburger with all the fixings, a piece of chocolate caramel banana-crème cake, or just a salad with your favorite fattening dressing. Just remember to keep it to a normal portion size, only do it for one meal each week, and return back to your healthy eating immediately.

If you are serious about attaining a life-altering body transformation then feel free to reach out to me for assistance. I am here to provide you with everything you need to burn the fat and transform your body once and for all!