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I realized something important about exercise that’s worth sharing with you.

Most of the time, when encouraging you to exercise, I focus on health and fat loss. These are two significant benefits, but there’s another side effect of exercise that’s hugely important…

How you feel after doing it.

Every workout has an immediate impact on your energy, mood, body chemistry, and even mental functioning. The endorphins released are specifically designed to make you feel good.

All of these factors combined create your overall feeling of well-being.

Don’t you want to feel good?

The tricky part is that most of us are habit driven, and so our activity level (or lack thereof) is fairly consistent day-to-day and week-to-week. This makes the impact of each sedentary day less noticeable, since another similar day causes no obvious change. It simply perpetuates your current state of un-wellbeing, with a slow decline.

Why this matters: You could begin feeling a lot better than you do today by starting to exercise.

This could come as a surprise, especially if you believe that the way you feel today is a given, and not something that can be improved.

By maintaining a consistent, challenging exercise plan:

  • Your aches and pains can disappear.
  • You can feel light and your energy levels can soar.
  • Your mood can naturally become more optimistic.
  • You can avoid illness and disease.
  • You can think and process information quicker and with more clarity.

And then, once you’re in the groove of exercising regularly, you’ll forget about the pain, the sluggishness, and the discomfort that you used to live with.

Making regular exercise part of your routine is a foolproof method for improving your overall well-being. It’s a gift that you give to yourself with each workout.

Ready to really feel good? Sign up for my latest fitness program. Call or email today to get started!


You may think the 30 minutes you spend every other day in the gym is enough to keep you trim and healthy, but it’s not. If you want overall good health, you need to eat well and find windows of exercising opportunity every day—not just during your scheduled workouts.
How can you squeeze in a little exercise when most of your hours are spent sitting at a desk, meeting in the conference room, and preparing for big presentations? Read on to find out when you can squeeze in exercise and how to do it.

1. On the Way to Work. To start your day with a smidgen of calorie-burning exercise, you may need to wake up a few minutes earlier than usual. Not to get in a workout before tossing on your power suit, but rather so you’ll have time to torch a few calories on the way to work. To shed some calories before clocking in, you have a number of options depending on your situation. You can bike or walk to work, perform seated calf raises on the bus or train, or park your car at the far end of the parking lot so you get to walk farther to reach your office. And of course, once you get to your building, take the stairs.

2. When Doing Mindless Tasks. Admit it: everything you do at work doesn’t require an amazing amount of brainpower. Take advantage of the easy tasks by multitasking with some exercise. The easiest option is to flex and squeeze your body. From your glutes and your abs to your pecs and thighs, you can get rid of a few calories by simply flexing them as you work. As you grow accustomed to the flexing, you may find it to be a great way to work your way through a long, difficult meeting.

3. Every Time You Finish a Task. When you first get to work, make a to-do list. This will help keep you on track and will also set you up for exercise rewards. Each time you cross a task off your list, give yourself an exercise reward. This could be walking a couple laps around the office, standing up and doing a couple quick stretches, or closing your office door and knocking out a dozen push-ups. Know what your reward of the day will be and go for it.

4. When You Need to Communicate. Helpful as email may be, there is a way to communicate with your colleagues that actually keeps your body moving. That way? Getting out of your seat and walking to your coworker’s office to talk things through. Have to make a few phone calls? Stand up as you talk or better yet, pace back and forth during the conversation.

5. At the Top of the Hour. A great way to sneak a little calorie burning into your routine is to get up every hour. And your exercising doesn’t need to be super intense. All you need to do is stand up. Do this for five minutes, eight times a day, and you will drop 100 calories a day.

That’s right—all you have to do to stand up for your health is stand up!

All of these bonus calorie burning tips are great – when done in conjunction with a consistent, challenging exercise program. If you aren’t yet one of my valued clients then now is the time to join in – call or email today to get started!


You wake up each morning with every intention of eating “good” today.

You’ll skip the drive thru line on your way to work. You’ll refuse to get fast food with co-workers at lunch. You’ll boycott the vending machine in the mid-afternoon. And you won’t even think about having dessert after dinner.

But then your cravings kick in…

Your friend drops by with a big fluffy muffin and a latte for breakfast. A group of co-workers invite you to that greasy spoon down the street for lunch. Cake is passed around at the mid-afternoon staff meeting. And after dinner your honey surprises you with a bowl of your favorite ice cream.

You tell yourself that tomorrow will be different.

Tomorrow you won’t give in to food cravings.

But then tomorrow comes with its own special circumstances, and cravings get the best of you once again.

Why Do Food Cravings Always Win?

Let’s face it, we live in a world where food temptations are everywhere…which leads to cravings, which leads to eating things that you shouldn’t, which leads to pounds gained. Again. And again. And again. Until you’re so fed up with your body that you don’t even know where to begin to get yourself back on track.

Stores display the most tantalizing junk food items right where you could easily reach them. TV commercials for greasy, fattening foods portray them so scrumptiously that you literally salivate. Sugary snack items have full-page, glossy pictures in your favorite magazines. And as if all of these weren’t enough, the people in your daily life are another (constant) source of food temptation.

To make matters worse, you’ve been conditioned since childhood to have a positive association with the act of indulging in your cravings. You use food as a reward. You use food as a source of emotional comfort. You use food as a way to relieve stress. And quickly these associations and uses of food become habit. A habit that’s not easily broken.

New Technique to End Food Cravings

Food cravings don’t need to have the upper hand on you anymore. Here’s how you can fight back using your most powerful asset: your brain.

Remember that your mind is an amazing thing. Once your mind is made up about something it’s nearly impossible to change it.

Try This Powerful Mind Exercise: Imagine that you are peacefully floating down a river on a raft. The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and you are having a fun, relaxing time. You feel wonderful about the river because it’s making you feel happy.

Now change perspectives for a moment. You’re now in a plane flying over the river and the raft. Instantly our eye is drawn to an enormous rocky waterfall. Then you look back to the person floating on the raft, having a wonderful time, headed straight for the treacherous falls.

With this new perspective of the river, do you think that you’d agree to get on a raft and take your chances floating toward the falls? Laughable, right? You’ve seen the hidden danger of the river. You know it leads to pain and suffering.

Now your negative association (watery death) with the river has replaced your initial positive association (relaxing fun).

This is the key to overcoming food temptations and putting an end to food cravings: building negative associations in place of existing positive ones. I’ll break this process down for you in two steps:

Step One: Create a STRONG Negative Association with Unhealthy Food

You may not have realized it, but up until this point you’ve placed unhealthy, fattening foods on a pedestal in your mind. As long as the wrong foods are on that pedestal you’ll continue to give into your cravings and will continue to gain fat.

Take the wrong food off that pedestal by listing off everything negative about them…

✓ These foods make you unhealthy.
✓ These foods cause weight gain.
✓ These foods drain your energy.
✓ These foods kill your confidence.
✓ These foods lessen your quality of life.
✓ These foods damage your love life.

Every time that you feel tempted to eat an unhealthy food, focus on your list of negatives. Kick the junk off the pedestal and put something healthy in its place.

Step Two: Create a STRONG Positive Association with Wholesome Foods

Now that your mental food pedestal has been cleared, put truly wholesome food items on it. Juicy fresh fruit, crispy vegetables and savory lean meats are the place to start.

List off the things that you love about healthy food…

✓ These foods make you healthy.
✓ These foods promote fat loss.
✓ These foods boost your energy.
✓ These foods build your confidence.
✓ These foods improve your quality of life.
✓ These foods enhance your love life.

I encourage you to immerse yourself into the world of healthy, wholesome foods. Browse the aisles of your local natural foods store. Stroll through a farmer’s market. Pack healthy snacks to bring to work. Clear your kitchen of junk.


Use the technique above consistently and you will soon find that healthy, wholesome foods are your favorite. And craving the wrong foods will be a thing of your past.

Call or email me today and I’ll get you started on a fitness program that will change your life and your body forever!


Happy New Year! Before you move forward to set new resolutions for 2025, let’s take a moment to look back and reflect on your results in 2024.

Did you accomplish your goals this past year? (YES or NO)

If “NO” then answer these 5 Questions for insight into your failure.

1️. Were your goals clearly written down and reviewed regularly?

If you’re ambiguous about what you are setting off to achieve then it will never culminate in anything concrete. By writing down your goals in specific, clear terms and reviewing them regularly, you’ll be on track to achieve huge things in 2025.

2. Did you use the SMART System to define your goals?

SMART Is an acronym for setting achievable goals. It stands for SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, REALISTIC, and TIME BOUND. Don’t skip over this step – setting SMART goals is the difference between achieving your dreams and having yet another year slide by without any measurable results to show for it. Use the SMART filter to set goals, and REFLECT on and REVIEW your RESULTS regularly.

3️. Did your goals align with your values?

If your goal was to lose weight and to finally achieve a lean, fit, healthy body then why did you continue to glorify greasy, unhealthy food? Why did you look at exercise as a punishment to be avoided? Your value system must line up with your goals. In fitness, this means having a positive attitude about exercise and healthy eating.

4️. Did you create accountability around your goals?

Who did you tell about your goal to finally lose weight and get fit? If you kept it to yourself then you missed out on a huge opportunity for accountability and support. This support is what you lean on through the tough times when jumping off the wagon seems like the only option.

Take a moment to reflect on the answers to these questions above BEFORE answering the next question.

5️. What was the root cause of your failure?

I don’t know what your specific root cause of failure was, only you do, but I can tell you confidently that if you join my program in 2025 you will blow past your failure to achieve the success that has always alluded you. 

You get one shot — one life — so what are you waiting for?

It’s time to expand, grow, seek, and achieve.

Feel the fire — fall down, get up, shake it off and get back in the game.

2025 has the potential to be the best year yet… but it starts right now.

Call or email me now to get started!


Today I’m writing to motivate you to take action.

I understand the frustrations that you have when it comes to your body. I know all about your insecurities over the size of your thighs and how hopeless that can feel.

The answer to your body frustrations is to get you up off the couch and into the gym, day after day. So here’s my pep talk in bullet form—21 rewards that you will gain from regular exercise.

Do yourself a favor and print this list and post it where you’ll see it every day. When you need motivation or encouragement, simply read over this list and take action.

Remember that action alleviates anxiety. So whenever you’re feeling anxious over the current shape of your body, take that as a reminder to jump into action. And then begin to reap these 21 rewards of exercise…

1. You’ll reset your body: Exercise has been described as a giant reset button. A good workout will block appetite swings, improve your mood and even help you sleep.

2. Your clothes will fit better: Consistent exercise will tone and tighten your body, causing your clothes to not only fit better but to also look nicer. Also exercise ensures that soon you’ll be trading your clothes in for smaller sizes.

3. You’ll be less stressed: You have enough stress in your life—it’s time for a break. A good workout invigorates your muscles, leaving you relaxed and less stressed.

4. You’ll have more energy: WebMD tallied research studies and concluded that 90% prove exercise increases energy levels in sedentary patients. Next time you feel fatigued, fight it with the most powerful tool available: exercise.

5. You’ll be stronger: Exercise improves muscle strength and endurance, two things that you use throughout each day. When you exercise consistently you’ll be pleasantly surprised when difficult tasks begin to seem easy.

6. You’ll be less likely to binge: Exercise has a powerful anti-binge effect on the body. This is due in part by an increase in sensitivity to leptin, a protein hormone, which has an appetite-taming effect.

7. You’ll burn calories: You know that excess body fat is made up of stored and unused calories. Fight back by burning loads of calories with fat-blasting workouts.

8. You’ll be more confident: Who doesn’t wish they walked and talked with more confidence? A consistent exercise program will do just that. As your body becomes more fit, watch as your confidence sky-rockets.

9. You’ll have fun: Believe it or not, exercise can be extremely enjoyable. Remember how fun it was to run around as a child? Tap into your inner child as you find a mode of exercise that gets you excited.

10. You’ll reduce your blood pressure: Exercise has been proven more effective than medication in reducing blood pressure to normal levels. A single workout has been shown to reduce blood pressure for the day and regular exercise reduces overall blood pressure in the long run.

11. You’ll lose the jiggles: Regular exercise tightens flabby arms, legs and waistlines. So wave goodbye to the jiggles with a solid exercise program.

12. You’ll increase insulin sensitivity: Researchers at Laval University in Quebec discovered that exercise improved insulin sensitivity dramatically. Peak after-meal insulin levels dropped by more than 20 percent after as little as 3 weeks of consistent exercise.

13. You’ll sleep better: Do you toss and turn for hours before falling asleep? Exercise is a powerful sleep aid. Your tired muscles encourage your body to quickly fall asleep so they can get their overnight repair work done.

14. You’ll lower your risk of heart disease: Regular exercise strengthens your heart and makes it more resilient against disease. A sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for heart disease, so rest assured that consistent exercise is your ally against disease.

15. You’ll feel great: Vigorous exercise releases natural endorphins (happy hormones) into your blood stream that dissolve pain and anxiety. You’ve probably heard of ‘runner’s high’, this can be achieved by any great workout.

16. You’ll lower your risk of diabetes: Studies show that exercising as little as half an hour each day can dramatically reduce your risk of diabetes. If you are at risk of diabetes, or already have diabetes, regular exercise is the most effective treatment for reversing the disease.

17. You’ll meet cool people: You could benefit from a group of new, energetic friends, right? Gyms, bootcamps, workout centers and even the jogging trail are all great places to connect with fun new friends.

18. You’ll improve your BMI: You know that maintaining a healthy BMI is key in disease prevention. Exercise is the best way to keep your BMI under control.

19. You’ll increase your endurance: Do you ever get out of breath when walking up stairs or through the mall? Regular exercise builds your endurance for everyday activities.

20. Your doctor will be impressed: How many times has your doctor given you the lecture about losing weight and exercising more? Exercise regularly and get your MD off your back!

21. You’ll look amazing: Are you happy with the shape and size of your body? Regular exercise works wonders on your physique. Within a few weeks you’ll see shape and tone in all the right places.

Are you ready to alleviate your anxiety by taking action? Good!

Simply pick up the phone, or reply to this email, and let me know that you’re ready to get started. I have a fitness plan that’s just right for you and together we will get you into the best shape of your life.

Let’s do this 🙂


The time is here for parties, family dinners, and goodies around the house. This is a recipe for disaster, and if you’re not careful it could reverse your fat loss results quicker than you can say Happy Holidays!

I’d like to make it easy for you to stay on track with your healthy eating, even while being tempted by all kinds of holiday foods during this festive time of year, so keep reading for 5 Holiday Party Survival Guide Tips…

Holiday Party Survival Guide Tip #1: Don’t Eat Anything Fried

Fried food is loaded with fat and calories while offering zero nutritional value. It’s a lose-lose! Sure, fries and chips TASTE good, but healthier items also taste good. Just say no to the deep-fried items on the menu. You’ll be leaner, healthier and won’t have greasy fingers. 

Here’s a healthier alternative to frying foods… Use a broiler 
If you simply must have a French fry, then make them at home in your oven. Use sweet potatoes, as these are a more complex carbohydrate. Cut into matchsticks, drizzle with a tablespoon of olive oil along with a dash of salt, then place in your oven on broil. Mix every 5 minutes until the fries are tender on the inside and crispy on the outside.

Holiday Party Survival Guide Tip #2: Don’t Eat White Bread

White bread products have zero nutritional value and are quickly converted by your body into sugar. So, you really may as well eat a cupcake. Even breads that are technically wheat, but are as soft and smooth as white bread, should be avoided. Don’t be afraid to discard the bread from your sandwich or to push away that bread basket. Your waist will shrink and you’ll lose that bloated feeling that high carbohydrate meals give you. 

Here’s a healthier alternative to white bread… Enjoy Sprouted Grain Bread
If you must have bread, then stick with sprouted. Sprouted grain bread is a lot easier on your digestion and is packed full of nutrients. Sprouted grain breads are often kept in the freezer section since they don’t contain preservatives to prolong shelf life.

Holiday Party Survival Guide Tip #3: Don’t Eat Creamy Dressings

You were so good to order a salad, but then you ruined it by drenching the salad in fattening creamy dressing. Just a few tablespoons of creamy dressing contain more than 20 grams of fat and hundreds of calories. Same goes for pasta dishes – avoid the ones with creamy, heavy sauces, as these are simply loaded with extra fat and calories. 

Here’s a healthier alternative to creamy dressings… Vinegar Dressing and Red Sauce
Dressing and sauce are meant to lend flavor to salad and noodles, not fat and calories. Vinegar-based dressings pack amazing flavor in with minimal fat and calories. You can even mix your own dressing at home. Take high quality vinegar, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper, your choice of dried herbs, and a bit of olive oil.

Holiday Party Survival Guide Tip #4: Don’t Drink Sweet Beverages

‘Tis the season for sugary beverages like egg nog, sweet cocktails, and hot cocoa. Just like white bread, these sugary drinks have zero nutritional value – other than calories. The sheer number of sugar grams in one of these beverages is usually the same as dessert! So before you indulge in a sweet drink, consider changing your order to something less sweet, or count it as your dessert. 

Here’s a healthier alternative to sweet beverages… sweeten with liquid stevia
Carry a small bottle of water-based, liquid stevia and use a little squirt to sweeten your beverage of choice this holiday season without adding any grams of sugar. Ask for your beverage to be made without sugar, and then sweeten it yourself without any repercussions to your fitness results.

Holiday Party Survival Guide Tip #5: Don’t Overindulge on Sugar

Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are the epitome of anti-fitness food. Nothing will destroy your progress, expand your waist and plummet your energy levels like sugar will. If you only take away one tip from this article, please let it be to not overindulge on sugar! The holidays are full of sugary treats, so you must make a conscious effort to keep your intake under control. 

Here’s a healthier alternative to sweet beverages… enjoy some fruit
Don’t turn to artificial sweeteners to get your sweet fix, instead turn to nature’s wholesome source of sugar: fruit. Eat organic fruit that is seasonal and locally grown. Stay away from dried fruit and fruit juices, as these are high in simple calories.

Eating right, along with challenging exercise, is the formula for a toned, lean body. Guarantee your results by teaming up with me.

Together we will come up with a fitness plan that is uniquely yours, one that fits your lifestyle and helps you achieve your goals.

Call or email today to get started.


Many of my clients have dramatically dropped their body fat – and I’m always asked how they did it.

Here are the 7 simple and effective ways to drop unwanted body fat. While fat loss can be quite frustrating, these 7 strategies are proven to help you slim down fast.

Drink a Gallon of Water

Water is always a crucial element for proper bodily functions, and even more so when fat loss is your goal. The conversion of fat into energy takes place in your liver, and this process requires that you be well hydrated.

Drinking a gallon of water over the course of your day is a wonderful goal to aim for. This goal is easily met when you get into the habit of sipping water throughout the day, coupled with drinking a full glass before meals, upon waking and before bed.

Cut out Alcohol

This fat loss tip is always met with groans, but despite its unpopularity it remains one of the most effective. The first reason that alcohol should be cut out in order to lose fat is that it’s filled with empty calories. These are simple sugars that taste great but add up quickly as stored fat in all the wrong places.

The second reason that alcohol should be cut out is that the simple energy that your body derives from the alcohol will be used as energy long before your fat stores are tapped, making it impossible to reduce body fat on days when alcohol is consumed. That should be incentive enough for you to put down your glass and reach for some water.

Do a Variety of Cardio

Variety is key when it comes to the cardio side of your routine. Getting in calorie-burning activities is crucial to quickly eliminating fat stores. We no longer believe that long cardio sessions are the holy grail of fat loss – but getting your body moving with calorie-burning activities is a wonderful way to intensify your fat loss results.

The great thing about aerobic activities is that these can and should be fun! Hiking, biking, swimming, surfing, jogging, brisk walking – any activity that requires you to move your body for a decent duration of time and break a nice sweat in the process.

Cut out Processed Junk

This is one of the easiest ways to quickly and effectively reduce body fat, and yet it is met with such resistance. Why? Why is it so difficult for us to give up our packaged, processed snacks and treats? This is one obstacle that prevents most people from achieving the body that they want.

The best tip for successfully getting processed junk food out of your life is to have wholesome alternatives on hand while removing the junk food from your home. If you are a late night snacker, then be prepared by having fresh fruit, sliced veggies, plain Greek yogurt or other wholesome snack replacements on hand. When your belly is full of wholesome snacks, it’s hard to care too much about the processed junk you missed out on. And soon you’ll learn to love how lean and energetic these healthier foods make you feel.

Lift Weights

You might consider this to be pretty obvious, but many people are still resistant to the idea that resistance training leads to fat loss. If you find yourself puzzled by the idea that lifting heavy things will reduce the layer of fat on your body, then allow me to explain.

The act of lifting weights causes those targeted muscles to stimulate new muscle tissue growth. Now this doesn’t mean that your muscles are going to get noticeably larger (relax, ladies!) but it does mean that your muscle tissue will become tighter and more toned. The increase in muscle translates to a higher metabolism, which means that your body will naturally burn fat faster and more efficiently.


High Intensity Interval Training is a method that has been quite popular in the past decade – and for good reason. This advanced form of aerobics, when done correctly, is one of the most effective methods for burning fat.

HIIT is achieved by performing short, intense burst of aerobic intervals between less intense bouts of aerobics. For example, 2 minutes of walking followed by a 30 second sprint, done for 20 minutes.

Become My Client!

When your car needs new brakes, you take it the mechanic. When you wake up with a fever and sore throat, you go to the doctor. When your hair gets too long, you go to get it cut. When you need to reduce body fat, you…try to do it all on your own? That makes no sense.

Look, we all have our expertise, and we rely on each other when in need. My expertise is fat loss. When people in our community need a new and improved body they come to me. I’m passionate about getting my clients results, and my programs have been proven effective.

Call or email me today to get started on a fat loss program that really works.


Feeling stressed? You’re not alone.

Stress is an inevitable part of our modern existence. Whether you’re the CEO of a large company, a Kindergarten teacher or a construction worker, you have stress to deal with. We all have bills to pay, relationships to maintain and challenges to get through.

But you don’t have to let it get the best of you. How can you turn your stress-filled life on its head?

With one of the best weapons against stress: exercise.

When stress is getting you down, you need something to kick you out of your funk. You need something that makes you feel good.

Every time you exercise, you increase your body’s production of endorphins.

In case you have forgotten, endorphins are responsible for those good moods you get in after a race or the euphoria you feel while chomping down on a piece of chocolate.

However, before you grab a piece of chocolate and skip the gym, remember the end result of each and choose which one will help you battle stress in the long run. (Hint: It’s not the chocolate.)

Any and all exercise you perform helps you fend off the effects of stress. So whether you enjoy jogging, lifting weights, playing basketball, practicing ballet, swimming, yoga, rowing, or boxing, simply getting involved in your exercise of choice is sure to help reduce your stress.

Through the Brick Wall: If you are working out every day and not getting the stress relief you want then it’s time to do things a little different. If all you do is lift weights five days a week, you should add in tennis or racquetball a couple days a week. And if you’re all cardio all the time, it may be time to get off the treadmill and grab a dumbbell or two.

Still not working? Keep a diary of your progression. Write down how long and hard you exercise, the various weights you lift, and the steps you make toward whatever health goal you set for yourself. Take pictures along the way as well. Then look back over your journal on occasion. Seeing the progression when you feel you’re not making progress may give you the confidence you need to put stress in its place and move on.

My mission is to get each and every one of my clients the body that they desire and along with that a low stress lifestyle.

Take the stress out of planning your own workouts by joining one of my high-energy, fat-blasting exercise programs.

Call or email today to get the body and stress level that you deserve.


1. “What should I eat for breakfast?”

2. “What should I eat after dinner?”

Do you know the right answers?

If you can just get these two choices correct in your daily diet, it makes a huge difference in how good you look and feel, and how healthy you’ll be for the long haul.

The sad truth, however, is that MOST people don’t know the right answers, and instead make a huge mistake that causes them to gain weight, lose energy, look older and erode their health.

It also causes nutrient deficiencies which make it nearly impossible to lose weight.

This is why it’s so important for you to understand what to eat at these two crucial times each day, and why I’d like to share the best choices with you…

What to Eat for Breakfast

The food that you eat for breakfast sets the tone of how much energy you’ll feel and often dictates the food choices that you’ll make for the rest of your day.

Your breakfast also has the power to fuel your metabolism or to set your metabolism up for failure.

Sadly, most people simply don’t have time to make a nutritious breakfast.

Even those who do make time for breakfast often fail to eat enough high-quality protein in the meal.

Most Americans are getting less than half of their daily protein requirement, and it starts with breakfast. This protein is crucial for burning fat, fighting cravings and getting fit. This means getting a minimum of 20 grams of high quality, super clean protein in your breakfast in order to reap the benefits.

If you aren’t getting enough protein then you’re setting yourself up for failure with your body transformation, no matter how hard you strive at the gym, or how diligently you cut calories.

To make matters worse, the breakfasts that are eaten are most often high in simple carbs, in addition to being way too low in protein. And many simply skip breakfast altogether.

Those that are getting some much-needed protein in their breakfast too often eat low quality protein from breakfast meats or the wrong kind of protein powder. These breakfast alternatives are typically full of artificial ingredients, fillers and additives that work against your body’s ability to burn fat and maintain energy.

What to Eat After Dinner

While you’ve been told that eating after dinner will hurt your fat loss results, it really comes down to WHAT you are eating that matters. Eat the right thing and you’ll actually HELP your fat loss efforts.

It’s true that you want to avoid eating sugars and carbs before bed just like you avoided at breakfast. The most important things TO eat is high quality, super clean protein, at least 20 grams. Just like at breakfast!

Making a habit of consuming 20 grams of clean protein before bed has shown to repair your muscles, increase your metabolism and lean muscles, and decrease your cravings while you are sleeping.

Put Protein Into Action

Now you know that high-quality, super clean protein is the right answer to both what you should eat for breakfast AND what you should eat after dinner.

How will you do this, knowing how busy your life is and what little time you have available? Putting this protein habit into your routine will make all of the difference…IF you’re able to come up with a sustainable, delicious plan to make it happen.


When you choose a protein powder be sure to look for one that has…

  • All natural ingredients
  • Zero sugar
  • Zero artificial sweeteners
  • Zero carbs
  • 100% pure protein isolate

Mix a scoop of protein powder with 8 ounces of water or milk for a delicious, creamy shake. OR mix a scoop into your oatmeal, pancake batter, yogurt, or cookie dough. There are so many exciting and delicious ways to enjoy this high-quality, super clean protein powder!


Have you noticed how people jump on board with a popular fad diet, lose 5, 10, or even 20 pounds…only to gain it all back and then some. Why does this happen? It’s actually a simple concept, and once you understand it you will be forever saved from the tortures of yo-yo dieting.

Fad diets saddle you with unsustainable calorie restrictions and some even cut out entire food groups just to produce that short-lived drop in weight—a process that is actually harmful to your long-term metabolism. The fad diets also ignore one major component of shaping up: exercise.

You see, most fad diets operate on one age-old premise: cut calories, cut calories, cut calories. By restricting the type and amount of food consumed the fad dieter usually sees an immediate drop in weight. If only it stopped there…

But it doesn’t stop there. Life continues, and the fad dieter returns to their pre-diet eating habits—with one major difference in their body due to the sudden drop in pounds. Their calorie requirements have gotten smaller.

In practical terms, this means that the dieter will begin gaining weight even though they are eating their normal pre-diet portions. And since exercise hasn’t become a part of their routine, the unneeded calories will result in pounds gained. So what’s a dieter to do? Find a brand new diet to follow—right? Wrong.

There is a way to drop pounds and firm your body, but you won’t read about it in the next diet book or hear it on the news. The solution to your fad dieting nightmare is a lifestyle change.

What is a lifestyle change? To change your lifestyle means to replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones, and to do so consistently. It isn’t something you do for a week or two, only to revert back to your old ways—a lifestyle change redefines who you are.

I know this is starting to sound like some heavy stuff, but hear me out. Changing your lifestyle from one that is unhealthy to one that is healthy will be the best thing that you ever do for yourself. Trust me, I help people like you make this change every day with amazing results.

Fact: The shape of your body is the direct result of your current lifestyle.

So how do I change my lifestyle? That is a great question, and the answer is actually easier than you might think.

Most people who are unhappy with their bodies are really only holding on to a few bad habits. Once these destructive habits are identified and then replaced with healthy habits their body naturally transforms from one that they loathe to one that they are proud of.

In other words, to get the body that you want simply determine your unhealthy habits and replace them with healthy ones. Here are the most prevalent unhealthy habits:

  • The habit of inactivity. Failing to exercise on a consistent basis is one of the most destructive obstacles for your health and figure. (The key word here is consistent. If you aren’t exercising at least 3-4 times each week then you own this habit.)
  • The habit of overeating. Consuming calories in excess of your daily caloric needs is one of the main reasons that more adults are overweight today than ever before.
  • The habit of empty calories. Filling your diet with foods that hold little to no nutritional value is a great way to expand your waist. (Hint: if a food item is made up of mainly sugar and/or fat consider it ‘empty’ calories.)

You can lose weight and improve both your appearance and your health.
You can look and feel great.
You can transform yourself into the person that you’ve always wanted to be.

Don’t let another day go by that leaves you a slave to unhealthy habits. Take action now. Call or email me today and together we will recreate your lifestyle and redefine your body.

By the way, I should mention another deadly habit that destroys too many people’s dreams. The habit of procrastination.

How many times have you told yourself that you will start eating healthy tomorrow? How many times have you promised that you would call me to start your personal training program? Each day that you succumb to the habit of procrastination is a day that pulls you farther and farther from your goals.

Break that nasty habit of procrastination—contact me today.