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What are you eating for your snacks and small meals? <== This is SUPER important!

If you’re eating the wrong thing every 2-3 hours then it’s easy to gain weight quickly, rather than the result that you want ==> which is to drop fat and clothes sizes.

Check out the following 3 ways to snack smarter, to keep you on track and burning fat all day long…

Snack smarter tip #1: quit sugar

Sugar is a huge problem! Snack on sugar and you WILL gain weight. So when it comes to snacks, this needs to be the number one nutrient that you check. Your frequent snacks should contain very little, or zero, added sugars.

WARNING: many ‘health’ foods have massive amounts of added sugars, which will destroy your results. Items like protein bars, jerky, dried fruit, green juice, and trail mix often have added sugars and preservatives that you need to watch out for and avoid.

Instead of added sugars, your snacks should be a nice blend of protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates.

Snack smarter tip #2: keep it portioned

What is the size of your snack? It’s got to be petite in order to stoke our metabolism without adding too many calories.

A sneaky thing about packaged foods is that often it gives the nutritional facts for 2 or even 2.5 servings on a package that you will likely polish off the entire package.

If the servings are more than just one then you’ll need to do some quick math. Calculate the total calories, sugar, carbs, fat and protein. Make sure that the numbers line up with your target nutrition sums.

Always be aware of how many servings you are eating in a single sitting. Do the math if you’re eating more than one serving – be honest with yourself!

Snack smarter tip #3: choose real

Sure, packaged snacks are convenient. But know that you will always see better results by eating whole foods found in nature, or snacks that you’ve made with real food ingredients. Even the healthiest packaged protein bar from the store is going to contain preservatives and additives that are completely avoided in homemade foods.

A handful of raw nuts, a piece of fruit with fresh nut butter, a hard boiled egg, a homemade fitness muffin, some chicken breast on veggies or chopped flank steak on a salad are all better options than any packaged snack.

When possible, stick with whole foods found in nature and snacks and meals that you make at home.

I’m here to help you transform your body (and your whole life!) through the power of fitness.

Call or email today to get started on a fitness plan that will give you the opportunity to do what’s hard now, to achieve the body that you really want.


If you’re wanting to lose weight, don’t give up on your favorite pasta dishes! Instead, make these dishes lighter, healthier and just as delicious by using noodles made from vegetables, rather than traditional, heavy pasta.

If you’re new to cooking with veggie noodles, you’re in for a treat! It’s simple and satisfying to create comforting guilt-free pasta dinners, and I’m going to show you how…

Fat Burning Recipe #1: Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti squash is the easiest of all the veggie noodles to prepare since the noodles are already formed in nature. Cut a spaghetti squash in half and you’ll find a mess of seeds and stings in the center of thick, firm, yellow flesh. The seeds and strings are discarded, and that thick, firm, yellow flesh is cooked until tender and scraped off the skin, into a neat pile of soft spaghetti-like noodles. Pretty cool, right?!

Make Spaghetti Squash Noodles:

1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Cut the spaghetti squash in half, lengthwise and scoop out the seeds.

2. Rub the inside of each spaghetti squash half with coconut oil and sprinkle with sea salt and black pepper. Place, cut side down, on a baking sheet and bake for 45 minutes, or until tender.

3. Serve with your favorite spaghetti sauce and meatballs. Enjoy!

Fat Burning Recipe #2: Zucchini

Zucchini is such a tender squash that it really doesn’t require cooking, and in fact cooking zucchini noodles quickly turns them to mush. I’ve found that pouring hot spaghetti sauce over a pile of zucchini noodles is all that it needs to heat it up without causing it to get mushy. You’ll need a spiral slicer –a little kitchen contraption that spirals zucchini through grating holes to create long, spaghetti-like noodles.

Make Zucchini Noodles:

1. Wash the zucchini and remove the green skin with a veggie peeler. Run the peeled zucchini through a spiral slicer to create long, thin noodles.

2. Top with warm spaghetti sauce and serve immediately. Enjoy!

Fat Burning Recipe #3: Butternut Squash

While zucchini and spaghetti squash noodles are light and soft, noodles made from butternut squash are a bit heartier. Not only does this translate into a more filling meal, it also means that need to be cooked on their own, before applying the spaghetti sauce, in order to achieve a tender consistency.

Now there’s a little bit of technique involved with cutting your butternut squash in the best way to run it through a spiral slicer. I’ve found that the narrow part of the squash, that’s completely solid, is the piece that works really well with a spiral slicer. Slice off the skin and then simply run it through the slicer. The part of the squash that’s hollow in the middle is trickier to use with the spiral slicer, since those pieces are pretty thin. A quick option is to simply chop those pieces thinly and use that along with the long noodle strands.

Make Butternut Squash Noodles:

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Cut the narrow part of both squash off and peel off the skin. You should have 2 nice solid pieces of squash (no hollow section). Run this through a spiral slicer to create long, thin noodles.

2. Toss the noodles with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Spread over a rimmed baking sheet and bake for 5 to 8 minutes, until tender.

3. Serve immediately with the spaghetti sauce of your choosing. Enjoy!

Fat Burning Recipe #4: Asparagus

Talk about truly guilt-free pasta – one made from asparagus spears! Rather than serve this one with traditional spaghetti sauce (although you could) I’ve included a dressing to toss the noodles with and I’d recommend serving it with meatballs for some added protein.

Make Asparagus Noodles:

1. Wash one bunch of asparagus spears. Resist the urge to chop off the tough stalks, these are your handles! Cut off the asparagus tips and save. Hold onto the tough stalks and use a vegetable peeler to peel long asparagus noodle strands into a large bowl. Mix in a Tablespoon of fresh dill.

2. In a small bowl combine 3 Tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon honey and a dash of sea salt and black pepper.

3. Heat a Tablespoon of olive oil in a medium skillet. Add the asparagus noodles. Sauté for 2 minutes then remove from heat. If you’d like, sauté the asparagus heads by throwing them in the pan after 1 minute. Toss with the dressing.

4. Serve the noodles warm and garnish with fresh dill. Enjoy!

Eating healthy, low carb meals like these are what it takes to have that lean, sexy body that you want.

But don’t forget that a fit body also requires a consistent, challenging exercise program.

Call or email me today and get you started on the fitness plan that’s custom designed for you. Let’s do this!


If you’re not ready to bare it on all the beach yet, I have an extremely effective 2-step method for losing belly fat faster than ever that I’d like to share with you today…

Step One: This step requires zero extra effort on your part! In fact all you have to do is NOT do something that you’re currently doing! You stop consuming refined sugar, in all its forms. This means no sodas, no desserts, no packaged snacks, no candy, no mocha lattes, NO SUGAR AT ALL!

When you stop to evaluate your diet, it may be shocking to find out how much refined sugar has crept in. Nothing will contribute to fat gains as swiftly as consuming sugar, so it makes sense that cutting sugar out is the top must-do for shedding those unwanted pounds.

It’s not necessary, or beneficial, to starve yourself during this time of rapid fat loss – you should fill in your diet with lean meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds as you cut out the refined sugar. Keep your metabolism high by fueling up on high protein, high fiber, low carb, and zero sugar foods whenever hunger strikes.

Step Two: Here’s the step that does require some effort, but trust me when I say it’s worth it. Simply crank up the intensity of your workouts to a whole new level.

Most people take exercise on with the slow and steady mentality – moving, pushing and pulling as little as possible while still “getting the job done”. I’ve got some news for you…if you still have belly fat to lose then the job wasn’t getting done.

If you can comfortably hold a conversation, hardly break a sweat, or feel the same when it’s over as you did when it began, then you’re simply not pushing yourself hard enough while you exercise.

Increasing the intensity of your workouts requires focused intent. You must go into the session with the goal of pushing your body to the limit. Remember, it’s a contained timeframe that will be over shortly, so bear down and deal with the discomfort. With practice, you will learn to embrace the burn.

The safest and most effective way to crank up the intensity and effectiveness of your exercise time is to work with a qualified fitness professional, such as myself. I would love to hear from you!

Call or email me today and together we will get you started on your fastest fat loss ever now before summer vacation.


What if you ate better for the next 30 days? How much would your weight decrease? How would you feel? Let’s give it a go…

Step #1: Clean the junk out.

Step one is simple: get rid of all the junk food that currently resides in your home, office and car. Go through with a big garbage bag and toss anything that remotely resembles junk food. Junk food is stuff that is high in empty calories and low in nutritional value.

Step #2: Stock Up on healthy food.

Go to the store and stock up on delicious, nutritious foods that will take the place of the junk food. Nuts, seeds, fruit, veggies, hard boiled eggs, meatballs, and hearty salads or burrito bowls (like the recipe below) are great items to have on hand. You’ll eat less of these healthy snacks, since these aren’t empty calories, but rather nutrient-filled calories that fill and satisfy.

Step #3: HALT!

When the next craving strikes you, tell yourself to HALT! This word is actually a handy acronym. Ask yourself, “Am I Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired?” If you’re hungry then reach for one of the healthy snacks from step two. If you’re angry, then explore the issue and seek resolution. If you are lonely, then reach out to a friend, instead of reaching for junk food. And if you are tired then make the time to grab a nap or get to bed early to catch up on sleep.

Step #4: Stick With It

The first day that you go without junk food will be the hardest day. The second day will be a bit easier. The third day will be even easier than the second…and so on.

The fact is that your taste buds adjust to the foods that you exist on. When your diet is filled with junk foods then that is what your taste buds will crave, but as you shift to a diet that is filled with fresh, nutritious foods then your taste buds will forget all about that old junk food. Stick with it, one day at a time, and you will break free from the grip of junk food addiction.


According to a study conducted in the UK in 2015, less than 1% of the formerly obese will maintain weight loss for more than a year. Specifically, this broke down to just 1 man out of 210 and 1 woman out of 124.

Participants in the study were told to eat less and move more, a method that failed to deliver long-term results. Clearly this sound bite advice wasn’t enough.

Now I could launch into a debate over whether or not this study practiced sound research and whether or not the participants really did eat less and exercise more, but instead I’d rather share with you what I know to be true about lasting weight loss.

Make no mistake about it, long-term fat loss results are very possible and are enjoyed by the majority of my clients – in stark contrast to the UK study results!

Since there’s more to it than simply eating less and moving more, how does one go about losing fat and then keeping it off for the long haul?

Here are 5 Steps to Lose it For Good…

Lose it For Good Step #1 – The Right Mindset

There are only two mindsets to choose from when you approach your quest for weight loss:

This is a temporary change in my behavior.

This is a new way of life.

There’s no middle ground, you either see it as temporary change or you see it as permanent change. It’s pretty obvious which mindset produces permanent results.

Lose it For Good Step #2 – New Habits

Understanding how to put new habits in place is the second step to losing the weight and keeping it lost.

As we just saw in step one, looking at your weight loss behavior as a new lifestyle is the only way to ensure permanent results and this means adopting healthy new habits.

Habits are best taken on in gradual steps. This has been proven to be the most effective way to make the new habits stick. Approach building new habits with baby steps instead of grand leaps.

If one of your current, fattening, habits is that you drink sugary soda then first switch to drinking diet soda. Once the habit of drinking diet soda has completely replaced your sugary soda habit then you can start replacing some of the diet soda with water. You didn’t jump straight from drinking flavorful, fizzy soda to just drinking water, that’s too extreme and will make success unlikely.

Lose it For Good Step #3 – Your Environment

In order to permanently change your body, you must permanently change your environment. It makes sense that you won’t maintain a lean body in the same environment where you gained the weight.

The term “environment” sounds vague, so let’s break it down. Your environment is the world that you create around yourself. These are the foods that you see, smell and have easy access to. This is the ease or difficulty you have in consistently accessing exercise. This is the lifestyle of the people closest to you that casts an influence on your own lifestyle whether you realize it or not.

I’ll bet you could draw out the ideal environment for permanent weight loss. You know the path. Now put in the effort to walk the path.

Lose it For Good Step #4 – Good Nutrition

The problem with the advice of eat less and move more is that it doesn’t make a distinction between calories. When total calorie count is your only goal, you’ll end up consuming lower quality calories than you should, which leads to mindless eating and malnutrition.

Educate yourself on healthy calories versus nutritionally void calories. A great rule of thumb is that calories that are created in nature are always superior to calories created in a factory. Stick with real food over anything from a package.

Lose it For Good Step #5 – Your Support System

If you just did the first 4 steps then you’d be well on your way to successfully transforming your body from fat to fit and keeping it that way for the long haul. However, in order to fully ensure that you make the switch from where you are to where you want to be it’s important to put a support system in place.

Nothing is more powerful than social accountability. Instinctively you don’t want to let people down, and so you’ll work harder and more consistently in a support group than you would when working on your own. It’s hard to sleep in when you know someone is at the gym waiting for you!

This fifth and most important step is where I come into your life. My entire mission is to not only provide you with the action steps to getting into the best shape of your life, I also am here to provide you with the support that you need to make it happen.

Call or email me now to get started on a program that will get you fit for life. You can do this!


Your habits say a lot about who you are.

Confucius said, “Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them.”

John Dryden added, “We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.”

And Aristotle noticed that, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”

It’s pretty clear that the habits you adopt will shape who you are.

What are your habits?

Do you eat the same thing for lunch, go through the same exercise routine, and fall into bed at the same time each night?

Or maybe you’ve made a habit out of eating something sweet before bed, avoiding the gym, and staying up as late as possible.

When it comes to your fitness, the two habits that define you are your eating and exercise habits. In fact, everyone that you know who is in great shape has dialed in these two important habits.

If you aren’t happy with your body, then simply adjust your eating and exercise habits.

Here’s how to adopt a habit:

1) Choose ONE habit that you would like to develop.

It’s tempting to pick up 3 or 4 healthy habits but choosing just one new habit is realistic and doable. 

  • Here are some healthy habit ideas:
  • Do not eat after 7pm each night.
  • Bring your lunch to work instead of eating fast food.
  • Exercise 4 times a week after work for 45 minutes each time.
  • Only eat fruits and veggies as your afternoon snack.
  • Get up early and exercise for an hour each morning.
  • Workout with me 3 times a week.

2) Write your new habit down on paper. Also include your 3 main motivators for developing this new habit, the obstacles you’ll face, and your strategies for overcoming these obstacles.

Here’s an example:

  • My new habit is to work with a personal trainer 3 times each week.
  • My 3 main motivators are 1) to feel confident in my bathing suit this summer, 2) to have more energy, and 3) to fit into my skinny jeans.
  • The obstacles I will face are 1) not having the energy to go to my session after work, 2) not having enough money to pay for sessions, and 3) not having my spouse’s support.
  • I will overcome these obstacles by 1) doing my workouts before work instead of after work, so I have more energy, 2) cutting down on frivolous spending to ensure that I can afford it, and 3) asking my spouse to join me so we can get in shape together.

3) Commit fully to your new habit, in a public way. This could mean posting it on social media, or simply announcing it at the dinner table. Put yourself in a position where you’ll be embarrassed to give up on your new habit.

4) Keep track of your progress. You could keep a detailed journal or simply make a check mark on each calendar day that you successfully exercise your new habit.

Once your new habit becomes second nature, usually in about 30 days, feel free to add a second habit by going through the same steps.

I’d love for my fitness program to become your new healthy habit! Call or email now to reserve your spot.


There is one simple reason why most people haven’t yet reached their goals. It just may be the one thing that’s holding you back from your big breakthrough.

That one thing is consistency.

Think about it. The difference that separates a fitness star from a couch potato is the consistency with which the former applies to their diet and exercise routine. That’s it!

Look, I know you can exercise and eat right. You’ve done it before! But a fitness plan only works when you consistently stay with it. You start, stop, start again, take a few days off, then get back on track. This haphazard effort will never lead to a dramatic body transformation!

What if I told you that you’re 5 feet from gold? That if you simply dug in a little deeper, and stuck with the program with consistency, you’d finally achieve the big results that you’ve been hoping for all along.

You are 5 feet from gold; don’t stop now!

The fact is that anyone can stick with a fitness and diet plan for a little while. Anyone can complete a challenge. Anyone can finish a 30-day program. Anyone can put in 2 weeks of solid effort.

It’s those who click into consistency that see the big changes and experience the joy and triumph of real accomplishment. I want this for you.

I know that you see how valuable consistency is, and you want to do it, BUT you get off track time and time again. How do you tap into the consistency you need to make a real improvement in your life? Use these three steps…

See it: Define exactly what it is you want to be consistent on. For example, instead of saying that “I’ll start exercising,” say, “I’ll do the 5am session on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.” And instead of, “I’ll start eating healthy,” say that, “I’ll eat XX number of calories per day divided into 5 small meals.” The more specific the better!

Keep in mind that you are defining your actions – not your outcome. Don’t use this step to determine what size jeans you want to fit into. That outcome is a byproduct of you consistently doing the actions. Just clearly define the actions that you need to be consistent on.

Feel it: Now that you’ve determined the actions needed, let’s think about that outcome and clearly define it. Be specific! What will you look like? What will that new body feel like? How will your friends and family respond to the new you?

It’s time to get your emotions all tied up in your quest. Daydream about getting to that outcome, feel it, emotionally take ownership of the idea of owning it.

Do it: You’re clear about what you want. You feel invested in getting the results. Now go about the business of taking consistent action toward your goal.

Yes, this sounds simple, and it is simple. Be consistent and you’ll soon strike gold.

Want accountability? I’d love to help you! Give me a call or shoot me an email and let’s get you on track to shed some major fat before summer!

Let’s do this together.


Are you ready to reduce your body fat to flatten out your stomach?

It is fully possible for you to do this with an effective combination of fat burning cardio, resistance training and clean eating. My clients routinely drop fat and transform their bodies.

You can do it too!

Here’s how to make your tummy shrink…

1. Exercise a minimum of 4 times per week. It is important to dedicate yourself to working out a minimum of 4 times a week if you want shrink your stomach. Anything less than this won’t make a large enough impact on your progress.

2. Make sure your workouts are effective. What makes a workout effective? It includes intense cardiovascular training coupled with effective resistance training. Walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes isn’t a fat blasting routine. Neither is a leisurely 20 minutes on the elliptical machine. The truth is that you can dramatically increase your results while investing less time when your workouts are effective.

Cardio exercise is all about maintaining an effective level of intensity. This doesn’t mean that you should be out of breath or gasping for air, but it does mean that you need to push yourself.

Resistance training is the second key part of a fat-burning workout. This means working your major muscle groups against resistance in a way that stimulates your metabolism. Again, the key here is to find the right intensity and to keep each muscle group guessing.

3. Eat a clean diet. Diet is a big stumbling block for most people. If your diet is out of control, then your stomach will be too. You can’t trim your waist without trimming the junk out of your diet, regardless of how intensely you exercise.

Keep calories in check. Do you know how many calories you eat? The best way to find out is to record everything you eat for a few days. Tally the number of calories that you eat each day and do an evaluation—feel free to recruit me to help out with this part. Together we’ll chart improvements for your diet and adjust your calories for maximum results.

Just say “No” to junk food. While this may seem obvious, your definition of “junk food” may need an alteration. Refined sugar is one of the biggest culprits in the junk food world—it is found in soft drinks, blended coffee drinks, cookies, cakes, packaged snacks, and other sinfully sweet treats. Processed fat is another monster. As a rule of thumb, you can safely view all processed or refined items as junk food.

Eat more frequently. The key here is to never let your metabolism “crash” by going hours without eating. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to skip breakfast—as this is the meal that ‘breaks the fast’ that your body goes into each night. Stick with eating small meals every few hours and always avoid stuffing yourself.

Do you want to flatten and shrink your tummy once and for all? Simply decide that you really want it. Commit to yourself—you deserve it.

See me for fat-blasting workouts that deliver results. Together we will get you on a program that will melt the fat off your abs, exposing shape and definition.

Call or email me today to get started. Let’s do this!


What you eat will make or break your fitness results so if you aren’t happy with your current body then I’ll bet that your diet could use some improvement.

Case and point: how many of your meals are being delivered in a paper bag to your front door?

I realize that finding the time to cook and eat healthy meals is a challenge for many of my clients and so I’d like to introduce you to the Nourish Bowl.

What is a Nourish Bowl? It’s a simple meal that consists of greens, protein, healthy fat, veggies, healthy carbs and various flavor adds.

A Nourish Bowl could be enjoyed for any meal of the day, is quick to assemble, and is the perfect alternative to high calorie take-out meals.

Build Your Own Nourish Bowl

Below are the ingredient categories that make up a successful Nourish Bowl. Select one item from each category to customize your very own meal.

Start with Greens: A healthy serving of daily greens is essential for good health, and so our Nourish Bowl always begins here. Your greens may be cooked or raw, whichever you are in the mood for. Choose from:

Micro Greens
Mustard Greens
Swiss Chard

Add Protein: Protein is important for supporting your fitness progress, in addition to providing you with usable energy to power your day. Be sure to vary the protein that you choose from time to time. Choose from:


Add Healthy Fat: It’s vital that your diet be rich in healthy fats so don’t skip this category! Healthy fats help to keep you satiated, a benefit that will pay off in fewer calories consumed over the long haul. No more energy crashes in the afternoon! Choose from:

Olive oil

Add Veggies: Colorful, vibrant, organic, seasonal vegetables become the star of this meal. Take time to chop or dice your fresh veggies into a pleasing size before adding to your bowl. Choose from:

Bell peppers
Snap peas
Any other veggie of your choice

Add Healthy Carbohydrates: Wholesome carbohydrates are important for maintaining that pep of energy in your step, so be sure to include a serving of one of the following in your bowl. Choose from:

Sweet Potato
Brown or Wild Rice

Finish with Flavor Add-Ons: Here’s where you could really let your creativity shine by adding your favorite fresh herbs or dressings to increase the flavor and enjoy-ability of the bowl. Choose from:

Chopped fresh herbs
Dried herbs
Homemade dressing
Homemade sauce
Lemon juice

I’ve posted an example Nourish Bowl below for you to enjoy and to get your creative juices flowing as you begin to design and enjoy your Nourish Bowls of your own creation.

Don’t forget to get your fitness on by exercising 3-5 times each week. Remember that for your workout to be effective it must be challenging, progressive and consistent.

If you aren’t yet one of my amazing clients, but you’ve thought about it, reach out to me today. I’d love to hear from you and to get your fitness routine dialed in for maximum results!


It’s been said that 80% of your fat loss results are made in the kitchen, so it’s no surprise that DIET MISTAKES are what get most of us off track with our fat loss efforts.

You can exercise hard every single day, but if you are making these 3 common mistakes then fat loss is going to be slow or nonexistent…

Diet Mistake #1: Not Eating Enough Wholesome Calories

Starvation diets simply do not work. Restricting too many calories slows your metabolism to a grinding stop and causes your body to store those precious calories instead of burning them off.

But that’s not all…

Starvation diets inevitably lead to rebounding with overeating that causes you to gain even more weight. There is a huge benefit to eating the right amount of wholesome calories, spread out throughout the day.

Your metabolism is revved up and fat loss becomes automatic. Of course, these must be WHOLESOME calories and not junk!

Diet Mistake #2: Not Eating Enough Protein

Protein is important for a variety of reasons, and sadly most of us simply do not get enough protein in our daily diets. When it comes to losing fat, getting adequate protein is a must.

It takes more calories to digest protein versus fats or carbs, giving your metabolic rate a boost. It’s also essential to supply your body with the dietary protein needed to build and maintain your muscle mass – as muscles increase our resting metabolism.

Protein keeps you feeling full, boosts your metabolism and prevents you from turning to snacks that are full of fat, carbs and sugars.

Diet Mistake #3: Drinking Sugary Beverages

One of the BIGGEST diet mistakes that most people make today is drinking sugary beverages throughout the day. Liquid calories add up and stubbornly stick to our waistlines.

Whether you’re drinking soda-pop, sweet coffee drinks, or alcoholic beverages, liquid calories are habitual and detrimental to fat loss and health.

A great way to avoid liquid sugary calories is to carry liquid stevia with you. Add a little squirt to your coffee or tea throughout the day to please your sweet tooth while avoiding liquid calories.

Don’t forget that a challenging and consistent exercise plan is half of the equation when it comes to losing weight, getting fit and feeling great! That’s where I come in…

I would love to be your fitness coach. Together we will get you to your goals with my results-driven method.

Simply call or email me today to set up your first workout.

Sugar Much?

How much sugar do you eat in a day? Do you know? I challenge you to spend the next 3 days taking notes on exactly how many grams of sugar work their way into your daily diet. The results may shock you.

Becoming aware of the ways that sugar invades your diet is the first step in gaining the control back. Make it a goal to reduce your sugar intake and watch as the weight falls off.

Avoid These 3 Diet Mistakes

It’s been said that 80% of your fat loss results are made in the kitchen, so it’s no surprise that DIET MISTAKES are what get most of us off track with our fat loss efforts.

You can exercise hard every single day, but if you are making these 3 common mistakes then fat loss is going to be slow or nonexistent…

Diet Mistake #1: Not Eating Enough Wholesome Calories

Starvation diets simply do not work. Restricting too many calories slows your metabolism to a grinding stop and causes your body to store those precious calories instead of burning them off.

But that’s not all…

Starvation diets inevitably lead to rebounding with overeating that causes you to gain even more weight. There is a huge benefit to eating the right amount of wholesome calories, spread out throughout the day.

Your metabolism is revved up and fat loss becomes automatic. Of course, these must be WHOLESOME calories and not junk!

Diet Mistake #2: Not Eating Enough Protein

Protein is important for a variety of reasons, and sadly most of us simply do not get enough protein in our daily diets. When it comes to losing fat, getting adequate protein is a must.

It takes more calories to digest protein versus fats or carbs, giving your metabolic rate a boost. It’s also essential to supply your body with the dietary protein needed to build and maintain your muscle mass – as muscles increase our resting metabolism.

Protein keeps you feeling full, boosts your metabolism and prevents you from turning to snacks that are full of fat, carbs and sugars.

Diet Mistake #3: Drinking Sugary Beverages

One of the BIGGEST diet mistakes that most people make today is drinking sugary beverages throughout the day. Liquid calories add up and stubbornly stick to our waistlines.

Whether you’re drinking soda-pop, sweet coffee drinks, or alcoholic beverages, liquid calories are habitual and detrimental to fat loss and health.

A great way to avoid liquid sugary calories is to carry liquid stevia with you. Add a little squirt to your coffee or tea throughout the day to please your sweet tooth while avoiding liquid calories.

Don’t forget that a challenging and consistent exercise plan is half of the equation when it comes to losing weight, getting fit and feeling great! That’s where I come in…

I would love to be your fitness coach. Together we will get you to your goals with my results-driven method.

Simply call or email me today to set up your first workout.

Sugar Much?

How much sugar do you eat in a day? Do you know? I challenge you to spend the next 3 days taking notes on exactly how many grams of sugar work their way into your daily diet. The results may shock you.

Becoming aware of the ways that sugar invades your diet is the first step in gaining the control back. Make it a goal to reduce your sugar intake and watch as the weight falls off.